About Five Tool School

Welcome to fivetoolschool.com - a website that helps bring your game to the next level.

Hey, I'm Ryan Spadafora, owner of fivetoolschool.com. I've been playing baseball competitively for as long as I can remember (okay, fine, over 20 years).

I'm 34 now, and I still strap on the cleats every summer. And every year I try to improve on my skills - just like you. That's why I created this site.

Get the Tools You Need

When I was growing up, baseball was my first love. I couldn't get enough of it, and I probably drove my friends crazy with all the sandlot games I insisted we play. 

The problem was, as I got better, and more serious​, I didn't have a coach to help take me to that next level. Sure, I had coaches. But I couldn't connect with them in a meaningful way. Nor, did I feel, that they truly understood how to get the best out of me.

As time went on, I had to teach myself how to fix and improve certain areas of my game. It took a long time, and a lot of trial and error. I don't want that to happen to you.

That's why at fivetoolschool.com, we're trying our hardest to cull the top information from around the web - along with some jewels of our own - so that your baseball career can take flight - RIGHT NOW. ​

To keep up to date with all the awesomeness we will be pouring into the site, please sign up for our newsletter. You won't regret it and we won't spam you - promise.

Also, please contact us here with any questions, concerns, ideas, or even just to brag about your latest 4 for 4 game at the plate. ​